Understanding Lawn Nutrients

If you’re not an expert in science, you might find the nutrients in soil and fertiliser a little bit overwhelming. Terms like nitrogen or phosphorus may leave you scratching your head and looking confused.

Some nutrients are needed in abundance by your turf while others are only needed sparingly. But how do you know which nutrients to use and when? We’ve got the answers:


Nitrogen is a mineral element that is used in large quantities by your turf. It is absorbed through the turf’s root system and plays a large part in stimulating shoot growth. This not only assists in keeping your grass green but it also makes your turf easy to self-repair if exposed to high traffic or other stresses.

Too much nitrogen can cause more offshoots and less strength in your turf’s root system, causing a problem where the grass looks good on top but the root system underneath is lacking. It’s important to get the nitrogen percentage in your soil just right. Nitrogen promotes the production of the green pigment, chlorophyll, which keeps your grass looking lush and green. 


Potassium is essential for your turf to look its best, but also to be at its healthiest. Potassium assists in lawns becoming more pest and weed resistant. It can also:

  • Assist in photosynthesis, promoting grass growth
  • Make your turf hardy by being more tolerable to harsh weather
  • Make your turf more likely to absorb and retain water
  • Assist in root development, which in turns assists nutrient uptake in your turf
  • Help your turf absorb other nutrients that are necessary to stay healthy


The biggest use of phosphorus in plant development is its ability to strengthen a turf’s root system, but it does also have many other benefits, like:

  • Contributing to growth in grass leaves and roots
  • Increasing the metabolism in plant growth
  • Decreasing weeds and soil erosion

Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur 

Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur are also important nutrients and you’ll find a small amount of these in most fertilisers. Their benefits include:

  • Calcium assists in helping turf to nitrogen. It also assists turf in high heat and humidity
  • Magnesium is perfect for winter and early growth. Turf which is low in magnesium may have yellow, wilting patches
  • Sulphur is essential to forming proteins in plants and utilising nitrogen. Too much sulphur can be damaging, so check your soil’s levels with a soil test before applying

Bring in the Experts 

The team at Glenview Turf are the trusted experts in fertilising turf on the Sunshine Coast. When it comes to your lawn and its nutrients, we can help you strike the perfect balance. If you would like more advice regarding lawn selection, fertilising or the right nutrients for your lawn, talk to our team of experts today.